Global Health Curriculum


The Global Health Curriculum was first piloted in the 2009-2010 academic year and spans the four years of medical school. The curriculum includes course modules, a preceptorship program, mentorship, and opportunities for international elective experiences. Students may participate in as many parts of the curriculum as they like. This curriculum is now a highly regarded and a popular elective program for Weill Cornell medical students.  Students who show meaningful engagement and commitment to the global health curriculum, activities, and international electives longitudinally throughout their training will have this distinction highlighted in their Dean's Letter.

International Opportunities

MS1 Summer Mentored International Projects: 

Students can apply for 8-week mentored international projects with WCM and local/host institution faculty mentors. Projects can be: research, quality improvement, population health, or service-learning based.

Fourth Year International Electives:

Senior medical students can apply for 6-8 week clinical international elective experiences at one of our partner sites. 

Taking an Extra Year for Global Health Research:

Students interested in an intensive global health research experience can apply for a year-long global health research program.  This extra year could be funded by the Fulbright/Fogarty program, Doris Duke or various other programs.       

Global Health AOC Scholarly Project:

Students may choose to complete their required AOC scholarly project with a WCM Global Health faculty mentor.  Some students have spent one of their AOC blocks (~8 weeks) working at an international site if required by their project and approved by the AOC faculty mentor and leadership. 


Introduction to Global Health - Fall of MS1 

A highly rated seminar series that introduces foundational concepts in global health through a diverse set of interactive case-based lectures with WCM faculty and visiting lecturers. Topics include: Decolonizing global health, measuring global burden of disease, global blindness, women’s health in low and middle income countries, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and more!

Global/Local Health Equity Preceptorship - Spring of MS1

An optional companion course that runs parallel to the required Clinical Preceptorship where students explore Global/Local Health Equity through weekly self-directed readings. Students who opt to participate will explore themes surrounding social determinants of health during their clinical sessions and participate in a faculty-guided reflection session at the end of the course. 

On-Campus Engagement Opportunities

Global Health Grand Rounds

A virtual lecture series in which renowned invited speakers from around the world present on diverse topics in global health.

Global Health Career Conversations

An opportunity for students to get to know WCM Global Health Faculty members and hear about their unique career pathways. 

Student/Faculty Journal Club

The Global Health Journal Club is student and faculty led session designed to offer students an opportunity to discuss student-chosen global health topics, including neglected tropical diseases, global mental health, global climate change and health, global surgery, and Maternal and Child Health and more!

Global Health Collective

The Global Health Collective is the WCMC student-run global health interest group. Student-elected leaders liaise with the Office of International Medical Student Education to help guide curricular planning.  If you are interested in getting involved contact Savita Birbal, Curriculum Coordinator at

Weill Cornell Medicine
Office of International Medical Student Education
1300 York Avenue (C-118) New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-8058