Application Requirements

OUR PROGRAM RECENTLY PARTNERED WITH AAMC’S VISITING STUDENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITY (VSLO) TO PROCESS APPLICATIONS FROM OUR VISITING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS.  Please visit the VSLO website institution page to see if your Medical School is currently part of the global network.  If your institution is not part of the network, we strongly suggest you contact your Dean’s Office to join the network. 

Thank you for your interest in the Visiting International Students Program. The information provided here details what is required for a complete application, as well as important details to help guide you in the process.


Note: Do not contact individual clinical sponsors for information on vacancies, elective availability, placement etc. Coordinate your requests with the Office of International Medical Student Education. Those who contact clinical departments directly will be disqualified from participating in the program.

To send your application documents securely:

Please follow the instructions below to submit your application documents. 

Note: All documents should be sent as PDF or Microsoft Word files only. All files must be labeled indicating the document type as per the list below. Additionally, all file names must include the last and first name of the applicant (i.e. SmithJohn_ CurriculumVitae) 

Note: While we attempt to accommodate student’s top choices, you will be considered for all combinations of electives and dates indicated on your application. There are no placements during the summer months (June, July and August).   

    • The Dean or Registrar’s office of your medical school must complete this form. 
    • Dates must correspond with the elective dates indicated on the application form. 
2. Dean's Letter of Recommendation 

A recommendation letter on official letterhead is required from the Dean of your medical school. It must contain the following: 

    • You are a full-time student in your final year of medical school with your expected date of graduation
    • You are in good academic standing 
    • The language of instruction at your medical school (English or otherwise) 
    • The clerkships you have completed and the number of weeks.
    • Your university allows you to participate in the Visiting International Student Elective Program at Weill Cornell Medicine 
Note: The dean's letter must explicitly state "expected date of graduation". This will prevent delays in the processing of your application. If the letter does not clearly state your "expected date of graduation", you will be asked to provide a revised letter from your dean’s office.  
2a. Additional Letters of Recommendation 

For PSYC electives, you must submit two additional recommendation letters from physicians that can evaluate your work in clinical psychiatry along with the other application documents.

3. Statement of Intent 

A 300-word statement written by the applicant that may include reasons for pursuing a medical career, for choosing specific electives, etc. 

4. Curriculum Vitae (CV) with Photo 

Your CV should include: 

    • Information about your higher education (medical school, undergraduate and high school) 
    • Work experience, as well as any professional activities, publications or research in progress, volunteer work, conferences, presentations, etc.  
    • Dates for all activities listed 

Note:Purdue Owl's Writing the Curriculum Vitaeprovides a guide for CV formatting. Templates can also be found online. 

5. Official Transcripts with Clerkship grades/marks & TOEFL

Your transcript must be on official letterhead issued by your dean’s office and should include: 

    • Clerkship marks/ evaluation. If your transcript does not include these, you must provide other official evaluative documents showing your clerkship marks 
    • A key for your university’s grading system 
    • If you are applying too early, clerkship grades/marks may not be listed on your transcript.  Without your clerkship marks your transcript will be considered incomplete and will be processed to be an ineligible result.  
    • All documents must be in English. 
    • If the language of instruction of your medical school is not English then a TOEFL score of at least 100 is required.
6. Proof of Payment for Application Fee 
    • There is a $300 non-refundable application processing fee that must be paid at the time of application 
    • This fee does not guarantee placement in an elective 
    • Payments are only accepted via the Weill Cornell Medicine Payment Portal.  Please click here to create an account.  For step-by-step instructions, please click here.   
    • Once payment is successfully processed, you will receive a payment confirmation.  A screenshot of this confirmation is required as proof of payment.  
    • This fee cannot be refunded if the applicant does not get placed.
7. Photo page of passport and visa page 
    • Picture page of your passport 
    • Visa page is required only is you have a USA visa 
    • If you are applying for Virtual Electives only, this is not required. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your application, please email

Cancellation Policy

It is recommended that all applicants review our cancellation policy before applying.

Apply to the Visiting International Students Program

Student Eligibility and Policies

Elective Offerings and the Course Catalog

FAQ for Students Applying

Visiting Student Reflections

Approved Students

Weill Cornell Medicine
Office of International Medical Student Education
1300 York Avenue (C-118) New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-8058