UNESP School of Medicine Botucatu
This is a six week clinical elective. (1-2 students per year)
Universidad Ciencias Medicas de Costa Rica
Costa Rica
This is a six-week clinical elective at the main teaching hospital at UCIMED in San Jose, Costa Rica. Spanish proficiency required (1-2 students/year)
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Madrid, Spain
This is a six week clinical elective. Spanish proficiency required. (1-2 students/year).
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Quito, Ecuador
This is a six week clinical elective. Spanish proficiency required. (1-2 students/year).
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Milan, Italy
This is a six-week clinical elective. (1 student/year).
University of Cologne Faculty of Medicine
Cologne, Germany
The US-EU programs offer four-week clinical placements that focus on a study of the host country’s health care system. (1 student/year)
University of Edinburgh
Scotland, United Kingdom
The US-EU programs offer four-week clinical placements that focus on a study of the host country’s health care system. (1 student/year)
University of Sydney Medical School
This is an eight week clinical elective, two weeks of which will be in the Outback. Students must first complete the IMSE application stating reasons why they want this elective and what they hope to gain from the experience. Once approved, Drs. Laura Greisman or Radhika Sundararajan will introduce the student to the electives coordinator at the University of Sydney to set up the elective. The student will be placed at one of the University of Sydney Medical School's teaching hospitals in...
University of Zaragoza School of Medicine
This is a four-week clinical elective focusing on medical ethics. Pre-requisite: You must have at least intermediate-advanced Spanish language skills to be considered. The elective focuses on bioethics as a way to frame the student exposure to Spanish medicine. A bioethics paper is a required component of the elective course. Students are required to meet with Dr. Fins to discuss this elective and complete a pre-interview process. Then the student should complete the IMSE application stating...
Weill Bugando Medical College
Rotation Length: 6-8 Weeks. (2-3 students/year)